How to save the database into a specific data base bean by using protocol

The process to save the database into a 
specific database bean by using protocol
프로토콜을 사용해 데이터 베이스에 데이터 빈에 저장하는 과정

*Key point 1) We need to create a new class "Task Management" to deal with task data from the "Todolist database".  *Key point 2) Servercontroller is the representative class in the server dealing with all the tasks which is an order made from the front end. Next, Servercontroller needs to deliver the call directly to the "Task Manager" since the purpose of this project is to bring out the data from the to-do list (Database) and save them on the bean server.   *Key point 3) Watch out! Transfer, call, and revise the data must go through the class " Data Access Object" which is the rule.    Step 1) Summon the server controller by using protocol number 9 step 2) Server controller will make an order to the task manager to access the data via the data access object  Step 3) Task Manager makes an order to process the data to the Data Access Object Step 4) Data Access Object asks to bring out data from the database in the "To do list" Step 5) Processed & revised data brought from the to-do list, once handled in the "Data Access Object" then save in the bean server " To do bean".

To bring and use data from the database "to-do list", there are significant 5 steps in the process. 

*Key point 1) We need to create a new class "Task Management" to deal with task data from the "Todolist database".

*Key point 2) Servercontroller is the representative class in the server dealing with all the tasks which is an order made from the front end. Next, Servercontroller needs to deliver the call directly to the "Task Manager" since the purpose of this project is to bring out the data from the to-do list (Database) and save them on the bean server. 

*Key point 3) Watch out! Transfer, call, and revise the data must go through the class " Data Access Object" which is the rule. 

Step 1) Summon the server controller by using protocol number 9
step 2) Server controller will make an order to the task manager to access the data via the data access object 
Step 3) Task Manager makes an order to process the data to the Data Access Object
Step 4) Data Access Object asks to bring out data from the database in the "To do list"
Step 5) Processed & revised data brought from the to-do list, once handled in the "Data Access Object" then save in the bean server " To do bean".


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